Constitutional guarantees generate negative externalities for the brazilian health system
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Court decision arguments. Public health. Judicial arguments.

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Constitutional guarantees generate negative externalities for the brazilian health system. Cad. Ibero Am. Direito Sanit. [Internet]. 30º de dezembro de 2016 [citado 17º de janeiro de 2025];5:143-51. Disponível em:


The research was conducted in 27 Brazilian courts of law. We aimed to know the legal demands on health and the arguments made by the patient, the defense, and the judge in judicial hearings. For this, we used the method of case law research. The research unit was Brazilian judicial processes with the material object of health demands, decided between 2012 and 2013.The results showed reliance on constitutional arguments for both the request and the decision, while the defense was based on diverse and obsolete legal points. It was concluded that judges have decided questions about health using purely legal arguments and reproducing points made by the patient. The defense of the Brazilian health system is fragile due to the lack of an adequate legal rationale.

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