Health inequities and political determinants: a critical look at relations, deficits and asymmetries




Social Determinants of Health, Health Policy, Democracy


Objectives: to identify the extent to which health inequities have always been integrated by unfair distributions of power, what would be the main facets of this asymmetry and in which practical realities they are most manifested. Methods: critical review of documents produced at international conferences and projects related to health governance, combined with a narrative review of scientific texts that touch on neo-institutionalist theme. Results: since the initial perception about the social determinants of health, reference has been made to political determinants (in particular, the unjust distribution of power). The Global Governance for Health project has shown that political determinants should be treated separately, as they are, to some extent, the determinants of social determinants. The main political deficits that affect health decision-making and prevent health inequities from being overcome are five: a) representativeness; b) transparency; c) adaptability; d) intersectorality; e) regulation. The situations in which these deficits are most evident are seven: i) in the face of the historical need for financial austerity measures; ii) in the context of protectionist policies of industrial and intellectual property holders; iii) in the area of investment agreements; iv) in the context of the food market; v) in the face of the option to leave certain corporate activities unregulated; vi) in the face of the option to exclude migrants from decision-making; vii) in the face of armed violence. Conclusion: failure to address the political dysfunctions of health governance means that health inequities are maintained and even creates or exacerbates new inequities.

Received: 23/08/23 | Accepted: 04/09/23


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Author Biographies

  • Marcelo Lamy, Santa Cecilia University

    Doctor, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil; Permanent professor. E-mail:

  • Sandra Mara Campos Alves, Health Law Program, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation

    PhD in Public Health, University of Brasília, Brasília, DF, Brazil; Researcher and coordinator. Email:


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How to Cite

Health inequities and political determinants: a critical look at relations, deficits and asymmetries. Cad. Ibero Am. Direito Sanit. [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 20 [cited 2024 May 12];12(3):180-92. Available from:

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